Lead4pass HPE2-N68 Dumps Latest Learning Materials Updated 2023-01

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Latest Learning Materials: HP HPE2-N68 Exam Questions Answers
Question 1:
What is one requirement for using the pre-check config rite to install HPE EzmeralContainer Platform v5.2 on a controller host?
A. You must first install a digital certificate to secure management communications with the host.
B. The host must pass all the checks run by the pre-check config script.
C. You must run the standard installation before running the pre-check config file.
D. The host must run the RHEL operating system because SLE5 is not supported.
Correct Answer: C
Question 2:
You want to connect a Kubernetes pod to a Persistent Volume (PV). What step must you complete before creating the pod?
A. Create a Volume to link to the PV.
B. Create a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).
C. Create a PV definition on a backend storage array.
D. Enable persistence in the Kubernetes namespace.
Correct Answer: A
Question 3:
Which correctly describes components of the Hadoop framework?
A. MapReduce compresses data that is stored in HDFS.
B. YARN provides data protection and management for data within HOF5.
C. MapReduce applications process data that is stored in HDFS.
D. YARN is a particular type of application intended for in-memory analytics.
Correct Answer: C
Question 4:
You need to enable the Al/ML project option for a Kubernetes tenant on the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform. What Is a requirement?
A. That the Kubernetes cluster for the tenant is running Kubernetes version 1.18.6 or above
B. That the Ezmeral ML Ops Installation package was run on the platform and cluster before the tenant was added
C. That the platform has enough available Ezmeral ML Ops licenses to match the core quota on the tenant
D. That the Kubernetes cluster for the tenant has both Spark operator and Istio enabled on it
Correct Answer: C
Question 5:
What is a setting that you are allowed to change after you deploy a Kubernetes cluster?
A. The number of hosts assigned to a role
B. The type (data fabric or non-data fabric)
C. The pod network range
D. The authentication settings
Correct Answer: A
Question 6:
A company wants to use Ezmeral Data Fabric to provide storage to Kubernetes Tenants on the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform. What deployment option should you choose?
A. Enable the embedded Data Fabric during the controller install. Create hybrid Kubernetes clusters that use Data Fabric and non-Data Fabric nodes.
B. Enable the embedded Data Fabric during the controller install. Also, create a dedicated Data Fabric Kubernetes cluster.
C. Disable the embedded Data Fabric during the controller install. Create a dedicated Data Fabric Kubernetes cluster.
D. Disable the embedded Data Fabric during the controller install. Create hybrid Kubernetes clusters that use Data Fabric and non-Data Fabric nodes.
Correct Answer: B
Question 7:
How does the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform regulate the use of GPUs on EPIC hosts?
A. It lets Tenant Admins create flavors, which specify the number of GPUs required by a virtual node using that flavor.
B. It creates virtual GPUs and allocates these virtual GPUs to the virtual nodes that request them.
C. It allows Site Admins to reserve a certain number of GPUs for the tenant within an EPIC tenant\’s settings.
Correct Answer: A
Question 8:
You have created a Kubernetes Tenant on the Ezmeral Container Platform. Users want to use the Kubect1tab in the Tenant UI to apply objects from YAML files. What is a requirement?
A. The Web Terminal is initiated.
B. The users have the Tenant Admin role.
C. The tenant has an FS mount.
D. At least one Kubedirector app is installed.
Correct Answer: B
Question 9:
Refer to the exhibits.
You want the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform gateway to provide external access to the service shown in the exhibit. The service is deployed in the Kubernetes Tenant tor which the exhibit shows the settings. However, it is not currently doing so.
What correction must you make to achieve this goal?
A. Reapply the service object with the “Port type” changed to “ClusterlP” and a valid cluster IP specified.
B. Check which ports are available on the gateway. Specify one of those ports as the “nodePort” in the service and reapply it.
C. Select the “Enable Istio Service Mesh” option In the Kubernetes Tenant options; then reapply the service object.
D. Reapply the service object with the “hpecp.hpe.com/hpecp-internal-gateway” label set to “true” in the metadata.
Correct Answer: D
Question 10:
For which use case should you enable Istlo on a Kubernetes cluster?
A. Preparing complex, stateful applications for deployment on Kubernetes
B. Ensuring that the cluster is capable of supporting AI/ML workloads and the full AI/ML lifecycle
C. establishing secure communications between components in a microservices-based application
D. deploying Spark. MapReduce. and other big data applications that need data management services
Correct Answer: D
Question 11:
A company IT department has strict requirements around data protection and wants you to explain how to use the Max Target and Mm Target options for an HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric volume.
What should you explain?
The Max Target sets the desired RAID level for data In the primary volume. The Mm Target sets the desired RAID level for data In the associated mirror and snapshot volumes.
A. The Max Target sets the desired number of replicas for data; the Min Target sets a replica number at which the fabric still tries to reach the Max Target, but less aggressively.
B. The Max Target and Min Target work together to set the erasure coding level for data in the volume. C. The Max Target is the total number of blocks and the Min Target is the total minus redundant blocks.
C. The Max Target sets the desired number of replicas for “hot” (frequently used) data; the Min Target sets the desired number of replicas for “warm” (less frequently used) data.
Correct Answer: C
Question 12:
What Is one way that KubeDirector differs from typical Kubernetes Operators?
A. KubeDlrector embeds a ticket-based authentication system to enhance security for communications across stateful sets.
B. KubeDlrector uses the same deployment objects with which IT is probably already familiar, but makes it easier for IT to catalog and manage the objects.
C. KubeDlrector has a flexible framework that can work for many stateful apps and Is easier for non-Kubernetes experts to use.
D. KubeDirector is optimized for establishing secure service meshes across cloud-scale, stateless, micro-service-based architectures.
Correct Answer: D
Question 13:
You want to set up high availability (HA) for the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform control plane. This includes HA for gateways and HA for the platform. You are not planning to use the embedded Ezmeral Data Fabric.
Which hosts will you require at a minimum?
A. Two hosts with 500 GB for ephemeral storage and 500 GB for OS storage Two hosts with 500 GB for OS storage
B. Three hosts with 500 GB for ephemeral storage and 500 GB for OS storage Two hosts with 500 GB for OS storage
C. Three hosts with 500 GB for OS storage Two hosts with 500 GB for OS storage and 500 GB for ephemeral storage
D. Four hosts with 500 GB for OS storage and 500 GB storage for ephemeral storage
Correct Answer: D
Question 14:
Refer to the exhibit.
What should you keep (n mind as you configure the circled setting?
A. You must check with network admins and make sure that they have set up routes to these subnets in the data.
B. You can select any large subnets; these addresses are tunneled with VXLAN and invisible outside the cluster.
C. You must make sure that the two subnets overlap so that pods can communicate with services.
D. You must increase the size of these subnets by changing them to use the a /24 prefix length.
Correct Answer: D
Question 15:
You have used the Ezmeral Container Platform to create a Kubernetes cluster, which has 3 conductors (master) nodes tor HA and 12 workers. Which correctly describes how the platform manages this cluster?
A. The controller elects one conductor as the primary conductor and places the other conductors in standby mode.
B. The controller places the conductor nodes in standby mode and takes over as the active conductor for the Kubernetes cluster.
C. The controller sends API requests through the gateway, which load balances them across the conductor nodes.
D. The controller can manage the cluster, but using HA for the conductors limits a few features such as Data Taps and the Web Terminal.
Correct Answer: A
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